Career skills for industry researchers and Certified Analytics and Insights Professionals of Canada (CAIPs) are built on a core learning framework of enabling competencies (“soft” skills) and technical competencies (“hard” skills). CRIC member Algonquin College has renamed its Marketing Research and Business Intelligence (MRBI) program to Marketing Research and Analysis (MRA) program. They will also be adding a co-op term in Fall 2021. In preparation for these changes, they have launched an industry survey for Canadian employers of marketing research, insights and analytics programs in cooperation with CRIC and CAIP to assess top skills and training needed for early career success. The results of the survey are intended to provide input to academic programs throughout the nation on marketing research curriculum considerations but are also meant to serve the broader industry in preparing the next generation of career research professionals as they adapt for a fast-evolving discipline. The results will also be presented by the research team from the college in the form of a blog post on the foresight blog. You may answer this survey in English or in French as below:

Your individual survey responses will not be shared with anyone and will be reported only in the aggregate by the two primary researchers at Algonquin College who adhere to the provisions of PIPEDA and the Algonquin College Privacy Statement and follow the Canadian Research Insights Council Standards.


About CAIP Canada

The Certified Analytics and Insights Professionals of Canada is the professional body for Canada’s Certified Analytics and Insights Professionals (CAIPs). Its mission is to power the success of businesses and organizations by ensuring that CAIPs have the competencies needed to unlock the power of data while maintaining the highest ethical standards that protect the public trust. CAIP Canada is supported and endorsed by the Canadian Research Insights Councils and the CAIP is globally endorsed by ESOMAR. For more information, visit or contact Robert Wong at [email protected] or Arundati Dandapani at [email protected].