The Certified Analytics and Insights Professionals of Canada (CAIP Canada) is delighted to announce the election of three new members to its Board of Directors.
Please join us in welcoming Linda Di Luzio, Nancy Flello and Pallavi Goel.

These individuals bring a wealth of experience and expertise that will undoubtedly help CAIP Canada continue to support the highest standards, ethics, and best practices for all research professionals in the research, analytics, and insights industry.
We extend our sincere thanks to our departing members, Yvone Brouwers, Tawnya Bryden and Annie Petitt, for their invaluable contributions and dedicated service.
For more information about our Board of Directors please visit our About page.
CAIP Canada held open nominations for candidates in the April to May period. Candidates must have a minimum of 10 years experience in the industry and also be a CAIP in good standing. The CAIP Canada Board received five nominations by deadline. All CAIPs had the opportunity to vote in the election.
CAIP Canada 2024/2025 Board of Directors
Robert Wong, Chair, FCRIC, CAIP | Shirley Leong, CAIP |
Maxime Bourbonnais, CAIP | Jordan Levitin, FCRIC, CAIP |
Audrey Choong, CAIP | Peter MacIntosh, CAIP |
Linda Di Luzio, FCRIC, CAIP | Merriah Michel, CAIP |
Nancy Flello, CAIP | David McVetty, CAIP |
Pallavi Goel, CAIP | John Tabone, CAIP |
The CAIP Canada Board of Directors provides oversight, guidance and support to help CAIP Canada achieve its strategic priorities:
- Support the highest standards, ethics and best practices for all research professionals in the research, analytics and insights industry
- Grow the CAIP brand and generate demand for the CAIP by communicating the value proposition of the CAIP to key stakeholders
- Support CAIP members’ needs to allow them to excel professionally
Key duties and responsibilities of Board members include:
- Protecting the interest of the public, key stakeholders and members;
- Acting consistently in accordance with the CAIP Canada endorsed CRIC standards and following exemplary ethical and business practices;
- Setting and approving the strategic direction and objectives of CAIP Canada;
- Approving annual business plans and performance targets;
Approving policies; - Monitoring and evaluating the financial performance and ongoing operations including the annual financial statement review;
- Appointing, setting the compensation, and managing and evaluating the performance of senior staff; and
- Acting as ambassador of CAIP Canada.
Additional details regarding the call for nominations are available on the nominations information page.
About CAIP Canada
The Certified Analytics and Insights Professionals of Canada is the professional body for Canada’s Certified Analytics and Insights Professionals (CAIPs). Its mission is to power the success of businesses and organizations by ensuring that CAIPs have the competencies needed to unlock the power of data while maintaining the highest ethical standards that protect the public trust. CAIP Canada is supported and endorsed by the Canadian Research Insights Councils and the CAIP is globally endorsed by ESOMAR. For more information, visit or contact Grace Woo at [email protected].